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Return Policy

The Return Policylisted below are from the Amazon terms section. We are not selling books on this website but wanted you to be able to see the terms related to our bookselling under the Amazon umbrella. The Cartlin Carts is not liable for any issues related to the Amazon policies, which you will again have the opportunity to review at the time of sale.

Return Policy Source: Amazon
Last updated May 21, 2018

For Kids:

This is legal stuff that helps to make sure you and the people who operate www.thecartlincarts.com agree on how you can use this website. If you are not an adult (if you are younger than 18 years of age, in most states), you need to get your parent’s permission before using this website, and you should go over this section, as well as our Privacy Policy https://thecartlincarts.com/privacy-policy/, with them. Generally, you shouldn’t use this or any other website without your parent’s permission. There are a lot of things on this website that you’ll find fun and interesting, so have a great time, and let us know if we can help you with anything by going to info@thecartlincarts.com.


Amazon does not take title to returned items until the item arrives at our fulfillment center. At our discretion, a refund may be issued without requiring a return. In this situation, Amazon does not take title to the refunded item. For more information about our returns and refunds, please see our Returns Center.