Jack is that square-shaped blur of red and blue racing up and down the Cartlin Grocery Store aisles. Never without his favorite blue cap, Jack‘s giant imagination takes him on grand adventures that involve fun and family.
When Jack and his friends are working together a lot can happen. Come join us for great fun and learning with The Cartlin Carts.
Jack is that square-shaped blur of red and blue racing up and down the Cartlin Grocery Store aisles. Never without his favorite blue cap, Jack‘s giant imagination takes him on grand adventures that involve fun and family.
Benny is Jack’s racing partner and best friend. Benny looks like a giant bumblebee and is a loyal and trustworthy friend. He is ready anytime for a good Jack adventure! Benny calls Jack “Jack-Attack.”
Sammie is a playful cart with tassels that look like wild pigtails. She knows just how much Jack loves to race around the store because she is usually right there by his side. Sammie calls Jack “Jack-Jack.”
Marie loves anything pink and always wears the multi-colored necklace Julie made for her. She loves to act like a grown-up and boss the younger carts around. Marie calls Jack “Jackie.”
Josh is the cool cart with his skateboard-shaped basket, grey beanie, and orange sunglasses. He reads comics to Jack. Sometimes he goes on one of Jack’s epic adventures. Josh calls Jack “Squirt.”
Rachel is Cartlin’s resident photographer. She always has her camera either around her neck or in her basket—ready to go. Jack calls Rachel “Rae-Rae.” Rachel calls Jack “Jumpin’ Jack.”
Julie is a petite cart who loves working with flowers. If anyone has a problem, she can turn the situation into a learning lesson. Jack calls Julie “Auntie.” Julie calls Jack “Nephew.”
Grampa is the head of the Cartlin cart family. He loves jazz music and snapping his wheels to their crazy beats. But what everyone notices first about Grampa is his big mustache and eyebrows. Grampa calls Jack “Speedy.”
Chloe and her sister, Ruby, are the “space alien” poodles that Captain Jack encounters in the book Captain Jack and the Space Aliens. Chloe wears a pink-striped sweater and shiny sunglasses and rides a black and blue skateboard.
Ruby and her sister, Chloe, are the “space alien” poodles that Captain Jack encounters in the book Captain Jack and the Space Aliens. Ruby wears a pink-striped sweater, shiny sunglasses, and a feisty attitude.